Urban strolls, nature walks, heritage hikes or a game of hide-and-seek in the rocks: here are a few ideas for walks to do with your kids lasting less than 1 hour or 2h30! A great way to let off steam while enjoying the natural surroundings of Millau and the gorges.

Baignade Gorges Du Tarn Benoit Colomb Pact Gdt Crtloccitanie 0037357 Md Min
Family fun at Millau Grands Causses
and the GorgesWalks and shortfamily outings
Bowling, accrobranche, swimming...
Family fun and excitementSkate park or bike park, are among those places that many parents prefer to flee to avoid seeing their teenagers’ acrobatics! BMX, dirt, bumps, or aerial figures on rollerblades or skateboards. Sensitive souls abstain! Ready for a life-size game of hide-and-seek in teams? In the forest, for a paintball session with friends, or an indoor laser-game, crawl, run, to escape your adversary, whether from this world or elsewhere!
Are you into 3D …? Put on your headset for never-before-seen experiences in the world of virtual reality…Choose a mission and find a life-size escape game or escape game. Real entertainment for the most unreal ideas in game rooms!
And in the rain?
If the rain comes as a surprise, there’s still plenty to do in the area!